NHSE (NW) guidance on the roles, responsibilities, knowledge and skills required of an Educational Supervisor
Also please see NHSE NW ARCP Guidance for Supervisors up until Spring 2022
Educator Training Resources via the Educator Hub
Educator Training Resources – elearning for healthcare
Search for ‘educator’ in the e-learning catalogue to find the Educator Training Resources, which are mapped to the 7 domains of the AoME professional standards for Medical Educators.
NW School of Psychiatry: Training the Trainers
A face-to-face course recommended for new supervisors. This course can also be attended as a refresher by more experienced trainers.
Supporting Resident Doctors returning to training
If one of your Resident Doctors is planning on taking time out of training (OOP, maternity/paternity leave etc.) or is returning from a period of absence of 3 months or more, please refer to the following guidance: Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) | Health Education North West (nwpgmd.nhs.uk)
The role of trainers
As a clinical supervisor, you:
1.Should be involved with teaching and training the RD in the workplace.
2. Must support the RD in various ways:
a) Direct supervision, in the ward, the community or the consulting room
b) Close but not direct supervision, e.g. in the next door room, reviewing cases and process during and/or after a session
c) Regular discussions, review of cases and feedback
3. May delegate some clinical supervision to other members of clinical team as long as the team member clearly understands the role and the RD is informed. The RD must know who is providing clinical supervision at all times
4. Will perform workplace-based assessments for the RD and will delegate performance of WPBA’s to appropriate members of the multi-disciplinary team
5. Will provide regular review during the placement, both formally and informally to ensure that the RD is obtaining the necessary experience. This will include ensuring that the trainee obtains the required supervised experience in practical procedures and receives regular constructive feedback on performance.
An educational supervisor:
- Works with individual RDs to develop and facilitate an individual learning plan that addresses their educational needs. The learning plan will guide learning that incorporates the domains of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
- Will act as a resource for RDs who seek specialty information and guidance.
- Will liaise with the Specialty/Programme tutor and other members of the department to ensure that all are aware of the learning needs of the RD.
- Will oversee and on occasions, perform, the RD’s workplace-based assessments.
- Will monitor the RD’s attendance at formal education sessions, their completion of audit projects and other requirements of the Programme.
- Should contribute as appropriate to the formal education programme.
- Will produce structured reports as required by the School/Deanery.
- In order to support RDs, will: –
a) Oversee the education of the RD, act as their mentor and ensure that they are making the necessary clinical and educational progress.
b) Meet the RD at the earliest opportunity (preferably in the first week of the programme), to ensure that the RD understands the structure of the programme, the curriculum, portfolio and system of assessment and to establish a supportive relationship. At this first meeting the educational agreement should be discussed with the RD and the necessary paperwork signed and a copy kept by both parties.
c) Ensure that the RD receives appropriate career guidance and planning.
d) Provide the RD with opportunities to comment on their training and on the support provided and to discuss any problems they have identified.
Training Programme Director (TPD):
- Should inform and support College and Specialty tutors to ensure that all aspects of clinical placements fulfil the specific programme requirements.
- Oversees the progression of RDs through the programme and devises mechanisms for the delivery of co- ordinated educational supervision, pastoral support and career guidance.
- Manages RD performance issues in line with the policies of the Training School/Deanery and Trust and support trainers and tutors in dealing with any RD in difficulty.
- Ensures that those involved in supervision and assessment are familiar with programme requirements.
- Will provide clear evidence of the delivery, uptake and effectiveness of learning for RD in all aspects of the curriculum.
- Should organise and ensure delivery of a teaching programme based on the curriculum covering clinical, specialty and generic topics.
- Will attend local and deanery education meetings as appropriate.
- Will be involved in recruitment of RDs.
- Ensures that procedures for consideration and approval of LTFT (Less Than Full Time), OOPT (Out of Programme Training) and OOPR (Out of Programme Research) are fair, timely and efficient.
- Records information required by local, regional and national quality control processes and provides necessary reports.
- Takes a lead in all aspects of assessment and appraisal for RDs. This incorporates a lead role in organisation and delivery of ARCP. The Tutor/Training Programme Director will provide expert support, leadership and training for assessors (including in WPBA) and ARCP panel members.