
These webpages contain the learning resources for the North West School of Psychiatry’s Core Psychiatry Course.

The Core Psychiatry course is a 2-year NHS-run programme which aims to bring ‘theory to practice’, and to reconnect the training strands of the weekly local teaching programmes, regional academic days, psychotherapy training and supervision from the trainee’s supervisor.

This part of the website has a ‘trainee portal’ which contains all the resources needed, including the presentations used in local and regional teaching sessions. There is a also a ‘tutor portal’ for the local organisations.

The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE):

  1. Click on the link here: Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
  2. Then click on ‘HEE (NW) MRCPsych Course’ under the “Available courses’ heading.
  3. Click on ‘create a new account’ and follow the onscreen instructions.

For any enquiries about the Virtual Leaning Environment (VLE) please contact Sarah Mrozek-Jackson, Education Programme Manager via s.mrozek@nhs.net

Dr Swan Patwardhan (Course Director / General Psychiatrist Consultant, GMMH)