Head of School
Associate Head of School
Associate Dean
Programme Support Team
Natalie Dawson: Programme Support Manager
Teresa Guy: Programme Support Co-ordinator
Alex Cooper: Programme Support Administrator
Education Programme Management Team
Sarah Mrozek-Jackson: Education Programme Manager
Ashley Gallagher: Education Programme Administrator
Training Programme Directors (TPDs) for Specialty Psychiatry Training
In order to cover the North West region most effectively, we usually have two Training Programme Directors per specialty. One for the West side of the scheme, which is the Cheshire and Mersey locality and another for the East side of the scheme, which is the Manchester and Lancashire localities.
Higher Training Programme Directors are as follows:
General Adult Psychiatry
Dr Catrin Evans (Manchester)
Dr Tarun Khanna (Lancashire)
Dr Nanda Dayalan (Mersey)
Old Age Psychiatry
Dr Anna Richman (Mersey)
Dr Jay Palle (North West)
Forensic Psychiatry
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Medical Psychotherapy
Psychiatry of Learning Disabilities
LTFT lead & SuppoRTT Champion
Training Programme Directors (TPDs) for Core Psychiatry Training
Dr Katy Mason: TPD for Core Psychiatry Training across Lancashire Care
Dr Declan Hyland and Dr Raj Magula: TPDs for Core Psychiatry Training across Merseycare & CWP
Dr Seri Abraham: TPD for Core Psychiatry Training across Pennine Care, MFT & Academic Clinical Fellowships
Dr Emily Mountain: TPD for Core Psychiatry Training across Greater Manchester Mental Health
Dr Swan Patwardhan: Core Psych Course Director